Shopping Flow
Login is required for checkout on Dawnray Tech’s E-commerce platform.
If you don’t have an account, please register referring Shopping Notice > Register.
If forgot your password, please refer to Shopping Notice > Login.

Browse for products that interest you.
- The Compatible Brand buttons provide links to the same product with different brand compatibility.
- The same series buttons provide links to products in the same category.
- The fiber patch cord button provides the suitable jumper solution for this module.
- The price list displays tiered price information.
- Fill in the quantity you would like to buy, then ADD TO CART.

The mini cart at the top header will show the summary items and the subtotal price. You may continue shopping to add more products into the cart.
Clicking on the mini cart or VIEW CART button will take you to the SHOPPING CART page.

On the SHOPPING CART page, you can cancel an item by clicking the Cancel button to the left of each item. Quantity can be adjusted here. After modifying the quantity, remeber to click the UPDATE CART button to update subtotal.
On the right side of the page, the cart totals show the shipping options. Free shipping if the order is eligible. With address data in your account dashboard, the platform will get real-time rates from freight carriers. If no live rates are happening, please fill in your address in your account dashboard. Refer to Shopping Notice > Account > Address

When you proceed to checkout, the billing address you fill out in your account will be used as the default shipping address. Please check the box if you would like to ship to another address.
If you prefer to use your own carrier, please remember to include your freight carrier account information in the order notes.
Select a payment method, read/agree to our site terms, and click the “Place Order” button.

If choosing to pay by bank transfer, our bank details will be displayed on the ORDER COMPLETE page. Please let us know when the transfer is complete and we will arrange the shipment once the funds arrive.

At the same time, you will receive an email notifying you of the order details.

When choosing to pay with PalPal, our platform will open a new PayPal login window. You can choose PayPal balance or credit/debit card.

After completing payment via PayPal, you will be taken to the ORDER COMPLETE page. And send you an email with order details.